Whether you agree of disagree with President Obama, we need to recognize God's hand at work in our world today and support our new President. After President Obama was sworn into office, I received a church bulletin with this article in it. It is from the Westside church of Christ bulletin in Russellville, AR. The article is not credited to anyone, but is something I believe we need to pay attention to.
The Power of Prayer
What is the most powerful way we can help President Obama? We can pray for him and those in his life. Three steps you may want to consider in prayer...
Step 1 Pray for President Obama's family
You should pray for his family the same way that you pray for your family. You should pray for their safety, happiness, and togetherness. I would like for you to pray for his children as well. Pray that the Obama children will adjust well to this new lifestyle that they will have to now live. Pray for the first lady. Pray that she will have wisdom as she has the ear of our new president.
Step 2 Pray for Presidnet Obama's Cabinet Members
It does not matter who they are or what they believe. They will be making decisions for every person in this country. Pray that they will have wisdom and understanding as they make decisions. Pray that they will not fall into temptation. Pray that they will be surrounded by wise people. Pray away every person that will be a distraction to them doing their job for this country.
Step 3 Pray for the Secret Service
Pray that every person that means President Obama harm be removed or quits. Pray that the secret service will guard President Obama with their lives and not allow any person to bring harm to him. Pray that they have discernment and insight. Pray that everything that they need to know will be revealed to them.
In 1 Timothy 2:1-2, Paul states: "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for everyone --for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
Step 1 Pray for President Obama's family
You should pray for his family the same way that you pray for your family. You should pray for their safety, happiness, and togetherness. I would like for you to pray for his children as well. Pray that the Obama children will adjust well to this new lifestyle that they will have to now live. Pray for the first lady. Pray that she will have wisdom as she has the ear of our new president.
Step 2 Pray for Presidnet Obama's Cabinet Members
It does not matter who they are or what they believe. They will be making decisions for every person in this country. Pray that they will have wisdom and understanding as they make decisions. Pray that they will not fall into temptation. Pray that they will be surrounded by wise people. Pray away every person that will be a distraction to them doing their job for this country.
Step 3 Pray for the Secret Service
Pray that every person that means President Obama harm be removed or quits. Pray that the secret service will guard President Obama with their lives and not allow any person to bring harm to him. Pray that they have discernment and insight. Pray that everything that they need to know will be revealed to them.
In 1 Timothy 2:1-2, Paul states: "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for everyone --for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.