Friday, February 27, 2009

God's Covenat

Genesis 8:20 - 9:17
12 And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come:

It's Friday, February 27th, about 4:40 pm. As I pull to a stop at my parents, it begins to rain. As I walk into the house, I realize that pea sized hail is falling. They had returned from the Panhandle of Texas, so as I catch up with them and their visit with relatives, it starts to hail harder. It seems that no sooner than the hail starts, that it stops. It's 4:55 pm and I'm driving out to the road. There are heavy clouds hanging in the sky with sunlight shining through. Then I see it ... a rainbow.

When's the last time I saw a rainbow? I can't recall. I stop my Jeep mesmerized by the sight. The colors are clear and crisp. The rainbow disappears into the clouds and I follow to where I think that it will come out. It's a beautiful sight.

I immediately thought of Noah and the covenant God made with him and the earth. After the waters recede, Noah offers a sacrifice that pleases God. As a sign of His covenant, He decrees that a rainbow will be set in the clouds. When He sees the rainbow in the cloud, He will remember the covenant He made with Noah and the generations to come.

It is an awesome experience to sit there and look at a rainbow and know that at that very moment God is remembering a covenant He made thousands of years ago with Noah. What a connection with God and ancient Bible heroes.

Dear Lord, Thank-you for being a merciful God, and continuing to remember the covenant that you made with your Creation generations ago and that we can see being honored even to this day. Amen.

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